Thank you to Wayfair for partnering with me on this post.

Imagine the coziest cabin. It's Christmas. The snow is falling, the fire is burning, and a nap buried in a pile of soft blankets is calling your name.

Well that's about the loveliest scenario I can think of this time of the year and whether you're looking to update your own bedroom for the winter or looking to refresh your guest room for holiday visitors, look no further than Wayfair.

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How to Make a Bedroom Cozy for Winter

  1. Refresh the bedding – time for a room makeover? The single most impactful change you can make to a bedroom for you or a guest is to change out the bedding. We recently made an upgrade to the Signature Boll and Branch sheets and it's true when they say they just get softer with every wash. It's time to say goodbye to those college sheets or ones you got as a wedding gift 10 years ago. Invest in some soft and cozy sheets.
  2. Add a few more layers – we've tried every type of quilt, duvet, comforter, and throw under the sun to create the perfect cozy bed and our favorite combo is a lot of light layers. Duvets are just way too warm for winter in the South but a quilt is often too chilly so we opt for a number of lighter blankets that are piled on our bed for maximum coziness. Our new favorite bed blanket goes under our quilt for an extra layer and this thick and cozy throw goes on our feet to keep them toasty when the temperatures dip.
  3. Create a signature scent – no matter if you're a candle person, diffuser person or incense person, creating a signature scent for your bedrooms or just your house in general offers a welcoming and hotel like feel for guests and yourself alike. In true form, Wayfair has the entire line of Hotel Lobby candles and products if you're looking to have your house smell like a 5 star hotel. But diffusers like this one are perfect decor pieces that also add a lovely scent of the holidays to the air.
  4. Have a stack of books nearby – Some of my most memorable hotel stays have been in places with a library or bookshelves filled with wonderful stories. It's very Beauty and the Beast – without the castle and raging beast. To make your guests feel at home add a stack of books to the end table or dresser. If you're not a reader, then a spread of magazines can add a very home-like touch.
  5. Keep it clutter free – one of the trickiest tricks during a busy holiday season is finding ways to keep rooms clutter free. A well placed basket here, an under the bed storage container there, or even just more hangers can go a long way to keeping your rooms a bit neater during the busy season.
  6. Crack a window every few days – even if it's snowing outside, the fresh air circulating for even just 20 minutes will keep your home a bit less dusty. Fresh air also helps reduce the number of germs that may linger around so you'll hopefully have a few less winter colds to contend with this year.
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